Sunday Afternoon… "So,
you understand the Terms & Conditions of your stay?" She asked the quiet
young man across the table as he finished his Coke and stared at the contract
before him. "Yes
ma'am, I do." His south Texas drawl was soft for such a big man. He picked
up the pen next to the document dated it and scrawled a barely legible signature
across the bottom of the page. "Last
chance now 'boy'." She emphasized the word boy in her special tone, "You
are all mine for one week, thereafter on a week by week basis, your service
is to be 7x24 all under my instruction and control. You will have a room,
the one you have seen, and that is all. So either get up and leave right now
before the ink dries on this contract or get up and strip and put all your
clothes in the box in the next chair." He
paused for but a moment then stood and removed his clothes. As he stripped he
could not help but glance over at his new owner for any reactions. He was fairly
muscular and rather well hung, he thought. This, with his long hair, in a
ponytail as usual, generally got the women in his life hungering for him.
His clothes he carefully
folded and put in the box. They were not much, but they were his. The past
year had not been kind to him. He had gone through two jobs after his last
girlfriend had left in a huff. He seemed to just drift with no direction.
It wasn't that he didn't have the brains or the skills, he just lacked motivation
and will. This setup in Phoenix seemed ideal. Free room and board and all
he had to do was take care of the place and once in a while jump the old girls
bones. Hell, she was even good looking in an older sort of way. Very well
preserved he thought as his gaze crossed over her lovely legs and took in
again the set of breasts that he had been noticing ever since he walked in
the door. Here, he thought, I can get my head together, have some sexy fun
and then when I am ready I can move easily without any encumbrances. B&D?
S&M? He had gotten around those issues by making stuff up as he went through
the interview. Hell, she would never mess with him anyway, she was just a
little old dreamer. She
watched as he put his past life away in the box. He was not nearly the stud
he thought he was. And 'really', did he think she was daft in the head? She
had caught him out in minutes during the interview. Of course she had been
questioning his honesty ever since reading the resume he had sent. Subtle
research and a few questions with relatives in the area he came from served
to satisfy her of his real situation though and she felt he could be molded.
She smiled though as she wondered if he would survive the molding process.
Done he turned to look
at her and receive his first instructions. "Seal the box with the strapping
tape and put it by the door for now boy." Taking
the tape he sealed the box well and placed it at the door near his two suitcases,
garment and gym bags. "Those
will be attended to later boy. For now come here and lie down." He moved
to do so and placed his head, as directed, near her shoes. "You may begin
by licking the soles of my shoes and then the heels, when you are finished
you may remove them and massage my feet. I want you to kiss my peds, lick
them and smell them deeply as you massage them. Is that all clearly understood
boy?" She finished and without waiting for a reply she placed her 3"
heel directly on his face and picked up the phone. As
he started in on the shoes he thought to himself, "Not too bad, I can handle
this." In the meantime the phone conversation went on above him. Over his
head, so to speak. "Yes
dear I am all set here." "No,
the project will move along as planned and I expect no troubles whatsoever."
"Of course sweetheart,
I will have insurance that will secure me." "Yes,
if you could take the rubbish out later that would be fine." Piece
of cake he thought. No rubbish duties, and the lady was getting more insurance.
Who knows, he thought, as the first shoe came off and the smell of well worn
nylons engulfed his senses smothering him with womanly earth scents, maybe
I can work just enough to have her list me as the beneficiary. Now
that her phone call was done she was ready to teach this young boy how to really
work with a Lady, all he was doing right now was getting her foot wet, hardly
good foot worship at all. No tongue between her toes, no sucking of each digit
like the little cock just some of many of hers he would have to get used to.
So much work, so little time. "Up
boy." She spoke abruptly, commandingly, after all she now owned his ass.
Once standing she had
him spread his arms and legs and then with a flirtatious smile began to run
her strong hands over his body. Soon he was aroused and that was what she
was waiting for. She started rubbing a soothing, warming lotion over his whole
body. Legs, arm, chest, buttocks, every crack and crevice was thickly covered
with the gel. He never even noticed, his head tipped back in an erotic fantasy
of his own, that she was now wearing thin surgical gloves as she spread the
permanent depilatory over his frame. However, soon he noticed the soothing
rub and the warming lotion were getting too warm, almost hot to the touch.
Then it became really uncomfortable and he looked at the lady and saw her
little malicious smile looking back at him. "Quickly
boy, move into your bathroom." She shooed him away slapping him almost
playfully on the buttocks, almost playfully. He
had never realized that his attached bathroom was so specially outfitted as
she pointed him into a corner. He now noticed that there was no conventional
showerhead in the enameled and tiled area only a powerful hose setup. This
she began to unreel off the spool and then pointing the nozzle directly at
him began to rinse his body with a blasting spray. "Spread
those legs boy." She commanded and when he hesitated she continued, "better
to let me clean you with this than to develop the blisters that will come
if you don't let me get it off." Reluctantly
he complied and soon the hard stream was crushing his balls and bruising his
cock. She made him peel back the skin over the head so as to thoroughly cleanse
the entire area. Then he was turned about and the spray went down his crack
almost forcing itself inside his anus like an enema. Speaking
of which, now he noticed, in a quiet moment, that his landlady was hanging
a full bag from one of the many hooks 'decorating' the walls and attached
to it was a sizeable enema nozzle. "Assume
the position." Legs spread and arms against the wall he waited as she approached
and then felt the nozzle pressed against his rectum. Slowly, firmly, it penetrated
him and he was so embarrassed. Yet he would go along with this, he had agreed
to it and after all, he had been through enemas before in the hospital. "You
will be cleansed now inside my boy. This is a one-gallon enema bag. You will
take half now, half again and then one full gallon. The mixture is my own
concoction of salts, soaps and unguents that causes certain scrubbing sensation
you will come to enjoy, for I insist on assholes being clean." She laughed
as she opened the clamp and let the fluid fill her new tenant, her slave.
The mixture bubbled and churned inside of him, scrubbing the walls of his
colon and filling him with a flatulence he had never felt before in his life.
Soon he was begging
for release, the words music to her ears. Finally when release was granted
it was again before her and the release was loud, embarrassingly so, and smelly
and just plain disgusting. She however, just kept on with her stated plans
and soon he had endured the next enemas as well, followed by a hard cleansing
again with the iron hard spray of his shower. At last the trial seemed over
and he looked at his denuded body, red and sore from the water beating, sore
inside from the enemas and he felt spent. He was so tired and he felt as if
he had been beat on for hours. "Now
boy come here." More directions to follow, it was all he could do to even
move. His head was spinning. He was not certain of anything. She
smiled delightedly as he allowed her to dress and position him. The small amount
of alcohol in the enema had gone directly into his bloodstream and the research
she had done bore fruit in his complacency. He was a tired, winsome drunk.
Of course the physical stress of the shower, the depilatory and the enemas
had taken their toll as well. The flesh colored teats glued to his chest looked
real, even in normal light and the earrings, garter belt, stockings and 'fuck-me'
heels made him look like a real TV. His hair had dried and she had made it
fluff as well as applied a bit of make-up. Here she could have used his cooperation
but the boy was indeed a bit tired. She smiled at the results of her efforts.
Next out came another
camera, the bot had not realized that every moment of his life was being taped
and recorded. This was done thanks to his predecessor and that one also had
the ability to professionally edit this into ANYthing she wanted it to look
like. For now though she placed limbs thus so and used the toys of her liking,
a large dildo for instance stuck between rouged lips, even with his eyelids
closed merely made it look like she was in rapturous ecstasy. In his stupor
he was easily positioned against the wall, bent over head facing back between
his legs, ankles spread, in a "come and take my ass" look, especially
with the seams of his stockings so straight. The addition of a realistic looking
and VERY large dildo to his ass was hardly noticed by the slave, certainly
he was not in a position to refuse. The picture with the dildo half-in and
half-out told the whole story. Ultimately
she led him to his bed and removed the comforter. He would never being using
it anyway. This revealed a very sturdy cast iron bed with welded rings around
the head and foot boards. Other features were out of sight for the moment
but would come into play later. For now she laid him on his back and secured
his hands and feet to the corners most competently. Patting his rosy cheek
she left him to recover. Moments
after making a call the door opened and two women came in and greeted the
landlady with a mixture of deference and eagerness. One of the ladies was perhaps
20 and the other well over sixty, but a spry sixty from the glint in her eyes.
Coffee awaited them at the table and all three sat down to discuss the new
project. After they
finished talking the young lady rose and took the man's bags out to his car.
She then drove off to a secluded garage area and locked the car and its possessions
away. Walking back to the apartments she couldn't help smiling and thinking
of what her aunt had in mind for this new 'tenant'. She was glad school was
out for the next two days and she smiled more as she felt her thighs dampen
in her anticipation. She quickened her stride as she realized he was going
to be up in about 4 hours and they still had things to prepare. Sunday
Evening… "So our
little boy is awake finally." The Landlady gazed down imperiously at the
captive male. Her two assistants stood just beside her with small smiles on
their faces. "Boy,
I will introduce you now to two other Ladies that will be instrumental in
your training and maintenance. On my right is the lovely, and young, Atheris
named for a particularly deadly black viper. Let me assure you she is just
as dangerous." The
Lady Atheris looked down and waved at the helpless boy. His eyes widened in
fear, fear that made her smile all the more when he recognized the needles protruding
from the palm of the vampire glove she wore. "And
this my young man is the Lady Elizabeth. Lady Liz to her friends, one of which
you are not." She indicated the spry, gray haired lady on her left. She too
smiled down at the bound slave and slowly took in his crossdressed form, licking
her lips greedily as she took in his manhood. "You
may refer to me henceforth as Lady C. In the days ahead," she continued,
"these Ladies will help me with you so that you are constantly watched
and disciplined for any infractions. Or indeed just disciplined just for our
entertainment. No doubt you came here thinking that your life would be easy
and largely carefree. No doubt you thought that you would be able to 'jump
my bones' as some have thought in the past. Let me assure you here and now
that nothing could be further from the truth." An evil smile filled her
eyes as well as crossed her lips. The boy had not spoken once yet and that
alone had saved him his first encounter with Athris' glove. Regardless, he
would feel it soon. "Indeed
it will be Lady Liz that jumps your bones. You will find that I will also
jump your bones, but in my own unique way," And holding out her hand Lady
Liz placed a complex leather belt and harness arrangement. An arrangement
that had at its center a rather large, severely long and grossly twisted black
dildo. "You my pet shall get used to accepting my taking of you. Just
one of the many reasons why I insist upon you being clean inside and out."
She stepped into the harness and Lady Liz and Atheris began cinching and strapping
the sides and back to her so that her weapon, one and a-half inches in girth
stood out a full, straight ten inches from her body. "As
for young Lady Atheris here you will find her appetites most interesting. And
insatiable." At this time Atheris sat next to the man on the bed and began
to softly stroke his cock and cup his balls in her viperous grip. Immediately
the boy jumped and tried in vain to struggle against his bondage as the needles
scored his flesh and penetrated his cock and scrotum in dozens of points.
"For now we
are going to indulge ourselves in getting to know you. You will remain ours
until we have either had our fill of you, you die or we elect to sell you
south of the border. The latter options are wholly dependent upon your attitude."
She could tell that he was scared at her pronouncements and was about to speak
out despite the agonizing, twisting grip his balls were now being held in.
"Do not attempt to protest or negotiate. I know hold several forms of
insurance over you to insure your continued, if not whole-souled, cooperation.
You see you posed for an entire series of photos earlier." These, fresh
from the developers, she held before his wide eyes. Then clicking a controller
she drew his attention to the TV in his room. "These, and prior and following
actions are being taped for my benefit and archives. I have a dear former
pet, now the property of a wealthy socialite her in town, who can make these
videos demonstrate ANYTHING we want them to my boy. Do you understand your
situation?" She looked down and saw the arrogance and fight diminish
in his eyes and defeat begin to blossom. He nodded.
and good. You really do not, not yet, but you will my boy, I promise you that
you will. Atheris, why not take a break and go to the bathroom." Atheris
immediately stopped her glove play and went to the toilet where she peed in
a loud, long stream. "My
dear Lady C there seems to be no TP here for me to use." Lady Atheris intoned
almost comically, already knowing what the reply would be. "Well
the boy doesn't need any. He will be trained to defecate each morning and
then receive his cleansing shower. In this situation it seems you will just
have to use his lips and tongue as your TP my dear." Lady C looked back to
the boy and caught his grimace. She did however give him points for again not
speaking out, perhaps he was a keeper after all. Time would tell. In
the meantime Atheris had moved to the bed and standing astride his shoulders
she began to lower herself slowly, seductively, teasingly onto his face. Once
down she reached behind with both hands and pulled her cheeks apart slightly,
just enough to make certain that his nose and his mouth were both tightly
covered with her seat. To make certain that his tongue gave every effort she
placed her needle gloved hand over his nipple and "scratched" -
just to keep his attention. Lady
Liz looked to Lady and received a nod. Immediately she stripped the nylons
from legs and bound the males hardness with them. In moments his balls too
were securely wrapped in a neat little package. Without a seconds hesitation
she then mounted her bound stud and began to ride him with a frenzied abandonment.
It had been too long since a cock had stretched her pussy and she was hungry
for this one. Lady C
looked on and enjoyed the scene of the bucking young boy. His face being ridden
mercilessly by Atheris and his cock being milked by Liz. Soon both women were
swooning in the midst of their first climaxes. She didn't have the heart to
tell the boy that they regularly expected three or more per day. Each. He
would find out soon enough. As for herself, she could already feel the heat
in her loins. The special harness had an interior cock that filled her own
pussy and throbbed with its own vibrations. These would be intensified greatly
once she took his male pussy for her own. The
riding women climaxed, held each other in a supporting embrace as they did
so and then jointly turned to Lady C with smiles on their face for their next
directions. Lady C merely split the fingers of one hand and wagged them at
the Ladies. And as lady Atheris climbed from her perch lady Liz moved forward
to take her seat on his face and drench him with their mutual juices. Making
him drink his cum from her pussy. Down
below Lady C and Lady Atheris undid the ankle bondage from the bed and ran
it through ceiling pulleys, pulleys that raised his legs and bent him into
an L, his ass well off the bed. Now
it was Lady C's turn to enjoy her pet and she did so with gusto. Using just
the cum that had trickled down to his anus as lubrication she began to work
he way slowly, steadily deeper and deeper into his ass. Having been greased,
lubed and stretched earlier by the enemas his ass was ready to take her in
fully. She set a grueling rhythm, but one that was in synch with her needs,
not his comfort. Minutes passed until finally she arched her back in a grand
gesture and impaled him most forcefully, burying herself deep in his ass,
his pussy, which was hers from now to time indefinite. Hearing
Lady C climax Liz could hold back no longer herself. In a giant climax she
ejaculated all over her prisoners face, filling his mouth, flooding his nostrils,
blinding him with her womanly cum. Coughing, choking, hacking he was finally
released from face sitting bondage and allowed to catch his breath. A keening
wail was heard from him as well when Lady C withdrew her ever-stiff rod from
her new found pussy. "Not
bad boy. Not bad at all, for a start. Now Lady Atheris will release you. You
will be allowed one glass of water, a chance to pee and then be tied to the
bed for sleeping. ANY trouble on your part will bring out the Black Viper in
our girl and you do not want to face that before you have to. Do you understand?"
Again she watched closely as the spent youth nodded his head slowly, tiredly
and accepted his orders, his place in their family. Leaving
the room Lady C's head was filled with plans for the morrow. Monday
morning….. He woke to
the feeling of heavy thighs sliding over his face. His arm and leg muscles
had atrophied from the night of bondage and he felt as if he could barely
move. He knew to open his mouth and greet the warm pussy settling about him
with his tongue, still sore from the previous day's activities. "Now
boy," She began, "this is your first wake-up call. I have saved my toilet
for you. Be certain not miss a drop dear. For this first session I will go
slow with you." She began to release herself in short steady spurts, placing
small pauses between them. This control exercised muscles that inevitably
made her hot and by the time she was finished she was frantically riding his
face in wanton passion. Always controlled in the presence of her friends alone
she was a sexual tigress. Her appetite was virtually insatiable which was
why the 24x7 servitude arrangement was specifically mentioned in her ad. The
boy was hardly ready for her climax, for when she did she came copiously,
gushing cum all over his imprisoned face. Unprepared he had no way to keep
up with the volume that swamped his senses. When
she was done she rose and let her night dress fall and cover her. Turning
to his bonds she released him, and in a display of kindness actually rubbed
the blood back into his extremities. Eventually he sat up and then, with her
assistance, stood up and stretched his body out completely. Before
he could get too comfortable she led him to the bath area and had him strip
off the feminine apparel and complete his morning ablutions. These however
had the one added chore of taking his enemas. "You know my sweet pet,"
she began to inform him, "these enemas can be terribly habit forming. In
fact, after regular usage there will come a time when you will be dependent
upon them. Isn't that interesting. Something you will always remember me by
boy." Her evil smile tore into his brain as his bowels emptied into the
bowl. Then it was time once more for his 'shower' and once more the forceful
spray beat him near unconscious. Then he was led to the bed and allowed to
stretch out on its frame. During
his recovery he could feel her manipulating his manhood and family jewels.
He smiled in exhaustion, to beat to even care. That is until her heard a soft
'click' and then his limbs shot straight out from his body and a mighty "GOD
DAMN" was torn forcibly from his lungs. Thereafter he immediately went
into a fetal position, his body shaking uncontrollably, bile rising in the
back of his throat, involuntarily his hands reached down to cup his scorched
balls, not expecting to find them, only to find them still there and apparently
well, though bound now by a sterling metal ring and small metal box. "Boy,
what you just felt was setting three of ten on this remote unit. The effective
distance is about 100 yards. Of course then what happens is that the unit
just fires off repeatedly at its highest setting until the battery unit expends
itself. Maybe 15 to 20 minutes under a full charge. Certainly enough to complete
fry your balls. You see this is a modified Taser unit delivering around 75,000
volts. You just felt maybe 25,000 tops. There are three of these Behavioral
Modification Control Units and each of your new owners has one in their possession.
Breaking one, or all, causes the override feature to take effect as well."
She sat next to him on the bed and continued. "So let me summarize for
you boy. Do you understand what I am telling you?" She jostled his arm
and heard his faint, almost sobbing 'yes' in response. "There, there
boy. You are all right, for now." She turned his naked body over and
spread his arms away from his scrotum. She then began softly massaging the
tender flesh as she told him his circumstances. "So you must understand
there is no running away. This box and band are locked on with a special pick-proof
lock the key for which is no where on the premises. They are also electronically
daisy chained and so stealing one does you no good, get beyond 300 feet from
two units and your balls will fry." To punctuate that comment she squeezed
his balls hard and grinned as he squirmed in her grasp. "And as to running,
that is what you will have to do. You see your car is nowhere to be found.
As for my transportation I have those that run and fetch for me or will come
and take me out if required. But I am perfectly happy to remain here at home
and have you care for and pamper me. Lastly, you also have no male attire
to wear. All your clothes were disposed of yesterday while you slept. You
will find in your small closet and dresser all the clothes you will need while
you remain here. All distinctly feminine in nature. I doubt you would want
to be seen in public dressed in them. Not yet anyway." She
rose from the bed and walked to the closet and dresser gathering certain items
from each. Motioning for him to rise she held the items out him one at a time
and had he don them. Soon he stood before her in red. Red sheer bustier, red
skimpy panties and red thigh highs. Now she directed him to the corner setting.
There he sat, as instructed, before a lady's vanity complete with all manner
of make-up and basic jewelry. "For
now boy," His head nodded forward in tiredness, SMACK, SMACK, twice she cuffed
him upside the head to gain his attention. "PAY ATTENTION BOY!" she
shouted at him, not loudly, but intensely and for reason that all the more
scary to him. "I
will, I will pay attention." He murmured ducking an anticipated blow that
never fell. "You
will be told this once, demonstrated once and then Lady Atheris, on her next
visit with you will help you ONCE. Thereafter you will be expected to fix
your make-up perfectly each day. You also have a video, the only one you have
I might add, that covers make-up techniques and acting like a young lady.
How to walk, to talk, to sit, to stand, basic proper decorum and manners.
In short, from now on you be treated and used as a slut but expected to conduct
yourself as a lady. Do you comprehend all of this." She asked him, turning
his face to her so she could look him directly in the eyes. His
shoulders slumped in defeat as it finally registered within him. What had he
done? What had he gotten himself into? He was caught, he tried to think, but
couldn't come up with a means of escaping these devil women. His eyes left
hers, falling towards the floor, as he told her "Yes." "Good.
Then let us begin for you need to start breakfast soon. I am famished after
last night." She kept up a constant dialogue as first she took a small gun-like
instrument from a drawer and pierced his ears. The piercings she quickly filled
with fashionably small zirconium studs. Next she took a set of specially made
'permanent' nails from the drawer. In addition to their own adhesive she applied
a small drop of SuperGlue. She showed him how to form the nails, apply a sealing
coat, then a base coat and finally a top coat. During this transformation
process she talked with him, and treated him like a girl friend. Here in this
woman's world, his own little corner, he was safe. The
transforming was not complete though. His face needed work. She began with
a small sponge and a creamy base. This was smoothed over his entire face rather
thickly. Next powder was applied and highlighter to accentuate his cheekbones
and reduce skin glare. A bit of eye-shadow and lip lining followed by a red
gloss and he was almost ready. Standing behind him now she took his new brush
and pulled it through his hair, his tresses. He
was staring at himself in the mirror. He could not believe it, "where did
I go?" he could only stare and wonder to himself. The somewhat good looking
woman staring back at him looked lost. Above him Lady C watched the process
take place and smiled in a most satisfied and devilish way. |