Domination - Mexican StyleCHAPTER SEVEN
Diane led me into a large auditorium which was empty.
is my second
favorite part of the training, and it is doubtless the
most erotic. By now
he believes everything we tell him."
have you told him?" I asked.
this goes back to the belly dance. It was originally done
in the harem by women
who had to dance in competition to get the
attention of the master, to arouse
him into wanting to have sex with
her. How disgusting! Well, we've turned it
around. Lois, the one in
leather, has told him that if he did not get $100
in tips put into his
clothes, he would be strapped to that board and whipped
from behind."
I looked at the
board. It had sharp nails protruding from it so
that if he recoiled from the
whip, he would be cut. "That," I said,
looks particularly vicious."
"No more than what men have
done to women," she said. "Also, he
has been able to talk to another
guy for the first time in a month,
but he doesn't know he is one of our well-trained
slaves. He has
him horrifying stories of men mutilated on that board,
so I'm sure he
will give a good performance."
the women began to file into the auditorium, about two
hundred, all in a very
festive mood. They talked and chatted for a
while as drinks were served and
soon became impatient. Then the
lights went out and the music started, the
theme from 2001. The
came on and out came Danny.
began to dance. The music faded and drums took over. He
seemed to fall in with
the rhythm of the jungle drums. "The drug we
gave him," whispered
Diana, "makes it impossible for him to ignore the
began to strip and soon peeled down to a pair of scanty
briefs, buttocks exposed.
He moved close to the frantic women
and leaned over backward as they put bills
into his crotch, some
grabbing a feel as they did so. The mood was intense
and the women
were wild.
moved back and pulled off the suit, leaving him with only a
posing strap to
cover his nudity. After the last lesson, he didn't
care about that, only about
getting more bills. The women shouted
poses and postures for him to
assume and he did them, never missing a
beat. It was wonderful and captivating,
animal like energy and
And Danny was lean and muscular, not an ounce
of fat on him, and
muscle seemed to offer itself to the nearest woman,
and all in time
the be at of the drums. Again, I found myself as horny
as I've ever
been, and Danny kept on.
he was only five dollars away, and writhed on his back,
holding the elastic
of the posing strap with one hand and his other
palm out to the audience. A
fat drunk woman held out the $5 he
and he pulled off his strap and
gave it to her. He then ran toward to
box to deposit it as the women stormed
the stage. They piled on top
him, but he had made his quota. They poked
him, pulled his prick,
stuck their fingers up his ass, but he relaxed and let
them have their
way, for he had made his quota.
see, he feels no desire to run. He is just happy he has
what we told
him to do. A far cry from that afternoon in the
apartment, eh?" said Diana
with pride.
"But now there is
no spirit," I said, "doesn't that defeat your
but he is spirited enough to do whatever we say to please
no matter
how hard it is. That's the spirit we want," she said as she
blew a whistle.
In came ten women dressed in the leather costumes and
cleared the pile of women
and led Danny away. His eyes were glazed,
but he smiled faintly.
is Madame Diana's favorite part, the horse training part,"
said Mistress
Kathy. "She got the idea from a magazine article she
a few years
ago, and refined it into an art. She really believes in
and supervises
the training personally."
were in a medium sized room, off to the side. I had been told
to stay out of
the way, keep my mouth shut, and not to interfere.
was led, naked, into the room by a leash attached to a
collar around his neck.
He smiled. "Hands and feet, slave!" shouted
Diana as she cracked
a riding crop against his face, "and wipe that
smile off your face!"
"I only aim to please,"
said Danny, and instantly Diana was on
like a woman possessed, wailing
away with the crop.
"Never speak
to me! Horses don't speak! Hands and knees!" And
Danny kneeled down.
for the bit and bridle," she announced. It was nothing more
than a long,
blue piece of string. She wrapped it around his cock and
balls, then pulled
either end of it across his chest and over his
shoulders. She then sat on his
back and gave a sharp tug. I could
him wince.
means to go forward, another to stop. If I pull on the
string, like
this," as she gave another sharp tug on one side, "it
means to go
right. If I pull one the left, like this, go left. Now
go!" she said as
she tugged again and Danny began to walk on his
and knees with Diana
astride him."
Kathy whispered
to me. "Actually Danny's very lucky."
I saw Danny, muscles straining, I wondered how he could
be considered lucky.
"Madame Diana has two kinds
of horses, riding and pulling. Danny
is for riding. However, he will be given
some training in pulling,
then you will see."
that, Madame Diana gave another tug, and Danny stopped. "Hold
your head
up," she said, as she gave him a whack of his exposed
buttocks, "and
act like a horse, not a cow," and she gave him two more
before he held
his head up.
"You need to remember
at all times that your nothing but a horse;
perhaps this will help you,"
she said as the one in leather handed her
a foot long stick with hair attached
to one end.
"This is your tail,"
she said and proceeded to stick the end of
into his ass. It wouldn't
go at first, so she put some oil on it and
then twisted and turned it.
up," she barked as she lashed him with the small riding
crop. He tried,
and the stick went in. She then sat on his back
and gave the tug.
She rode him out the door and I heard applause
coming from outside.
looked at Kathy. "You haven't seen our race track yet," she
"Come with me."
We went
out the other door and around the building, up some
stairs, and we were in
the grandstand overlooking the racetrack.
Actually, there were two tracks,
a longer, smooth track on the
and a shorter, cinder covered one
on the inside. I saw Danny on his
hands and knees, Madame Diana, dressed in
riding clothes, astride him.
Next to him was another "horse" and
rider. In the center was the same
board I had seen at the dance performance,
but with different looking
needles. I wondered at this, but soon I heard a
shot. They were off!
The women in
the stands were screaming and shouting for their
favorite. The race was neck
and neck for awhile until Danny stumbled.
Madame Diana reacted promptly by
slashing her whip, not against her
mount, but the face of the other rider who
fell off. Danny
straightened out and continued and the other rider remounted
and began
to whip her mount. It was an exciting contest, made more so by the
a shouting of the women fans. In the end, Mistress Diana
victory means about 20% more in fees she can charge, and it
is a loss for Madame
Fagan. To regain respect, she will punish her
mount. This could have happened
to our subject," explained Kathy.
this point, the other man was strapped facing the needles.
Madame Fagan took
a whip and began to lash him. As he recoiled from
the whip, his body was thrown
against the sharp needles. He recoiled
only to meet the whip again. Then flinching
toward the needles, and
back again. The women watching were quieter than I
expected, then I
noticed that they all had their hands between their legs,
as they watched the agony and destruction of this man.
was not to be the end of Danny's training. "He is now to be
trained for
the penis pull. He has seen what happens to a looser, and
will try hard,"
said Kathy.
Danny came out again,
walking on two feet, led by Madame Diana by
the string attacked to his cock
and balls. Danny stood at attention
the cinder track as Madame tightened
the plastic string and then
attached the other end to what look a bit like
a Roman Chariot. She
got in the chariot and shouted "Walk backward!"
Danny tried, but the
pain made it difficult.
lash from a long whip caught him across the chest and he tried
again, this
time pulling the chariot by his penis. I could see the
agonized look on his
face, almost feel the tremendous pain he must be
experiencing, and was also
aroused against my will.
He had to
pull the cart around the entire track without uttering
sound, and do it
within a certain time. "He's lucky this in only a
demonstration. If he
was trained for this, rather than the race, and
he lost, he would be hung from
his penis until he fell unconscious or
until it ripped off. Both have happened.
As it is, if he doesn't
make it, there is a punishment."
strained, moving backward, along the track. I had always
noticed his upper
body muscles, but now his thighs became tight and
muscular as well. I could
see him begin to sweat from the strain and
could see the agony in his
face. Every second I thought his cock
be pulled out of its socket,
but he managed to continue.
I looked
around and noticed for the first time that there were
some men as well in the
stands. Cameras were flashing, movie cameras
were out, as well as videos. Many
of the fans had their hands between
their legs and other were shouting. Madame
Diana whipped Danny again
and he began to move faster. Time was running out,
and she didn't
to loose her investment. One more lash, and Danny made
it across the
finish line and then doubled over in pain, clutching at his groin.
he did, those in the stands reached their own climaxes and Danny was
out by the arms.
"Now he'll rest for a few days, and then on to other
"Kathy said.
far, I had felt that I was a reporter and did not have any
obligation to intervene
or tell the police. In fact, I had the duty
protect my sources. However,
I had also had second thoughts because I
had become horny not a few time during
this story. Still, I thought I
could justify it to myself for professional
reasons. Then Madame
summoned me to her office.
had never seen her office before. It was a luxurious, business
like place,
except for the pictures hanging on the wall depicting men
in various stages
of nudity and servitude, nakedness and agony. She
motioned for me to sit down.
"Each man I train must be able
to serve his mistress well. I can
break him in so that he has the desire to
serve. I can strip him of
all dignity and resistance. I can build his body
and control his
brain. The one think I can't do, however, is see how he functions
she said pointing off somewhere.
how can you guarantee he will please?" I asked.
run," she said. "Mistress Kathy has told me that you have
been looking
at our stud with more than, shall I say, a professional
interest? I see. Well,
I am offering him to you for one night, free
of charge. Throw a party, invite
your friends, and have him there as
servant. All I ask is a full report,
complete with any complaint from
anyone he fails to please. The only restriction
is that the party be
all-female. My client is very particular that her stud
be clean."
"But my friends
are all in Chicago, San Francisco, and New York,"
I pointed out.
will fly them down here," she said, "Perhaps I can arrange
series of parities starring some of my other trainees as well. The
will be recovered from the rentals, anyway," she said.
agreed and left her office.
I then
went to my room and began to think. I had already agreed,
so that wasn't the
point. I just seemed to me that I was getting
deeper and deeper into something
I hadn't expected to. I went
downstairs to the booth by the gym. Through the
one-way mirror I
see him working out, being put through his paces
by the woman in the
military garb. He was about six feet tall, 195 pounds.
His hair was
light brown, and his body was shaved clean. His face was handsome,
I noticed most was his body. Not an ounce of fat on it, and his
muscles stood
out as he strained them under her watchful eye. His
pectorals at the benchpress
and butterfly, his biceps doing curls, his
ripped thighs at the leg extension
machine, and his abdominals at
several exercises, leg raises being the sexiest.
How could I pass up this opportunity,
I thought to myself, and
went beck to my room to send out the invitations and
then to plan the
agenda, leaving room for suggestions. I invited only the horniest
most aggressive of my friends, but still there would be twenty or
at the party. I could hardly wait!